Monday, March 24, 2008

Servicing My Livina

Well...its been 1000km already, we just got a Nissan Grand Livina. Its been a nice ride so far. Fuel consumption is suffice to say good i guess. Full tank gets me around RM 75.00 since i drive it till it touches the last counter but without the reserved light coming on.

The damage for the first service is RM 141.20, very weird number :)

I did it in Klang, service was fast i guess and very friendly mechanics. Another fellow Livina driver was there for his first 1000km also, however he had a very BAD experience. Seems that his AT transmission tube was not clipped in properly, at around 75km he experienced a loss of power and immediately stopped at the side of the road. To his dismay he looked behind and saw a trail of oil on the road. He got TCM to tow his car to Jalan Ipoh and screwed the bejeezles of the people over there.

He got it cleaned up and then so far everything is okay till now.

Sigh.... scary ....assembly problems, rust problems, so far so good...i got minor issues only.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, just read ur post while searching for Livina forum. Do you know that there's an active forum on Livina that you can find almost everything about it.